Have you seen this dog? He's a 4 yr old Newfoundland/Lab mix.
Last seen near NE Perkins Way & 18th. The dogs name is Bootsie.
If you see this dog, please contact Kyle Kinkade: 206-979-6855
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Lost dog! Bootsie is a black 4 yr old Newfoundland/Lab mix.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Pres. of Shoreline Historical Museum's Board responds to Shoreline Schools concerning future of Ronald School
A letter from Bob Phelps (President pro tem of the Shoreline Historical Museum Board of Trustees) concerning the Ronald School/Shoreline Historical Museum brouhaha:
To quote Shoreline School District spokesman Derringer from a recent RonaldBog blog about the Shoreline Historical Museum: "Museum leadership was specifically notified of this process as far back as April 2008. Members of the Museum staff and board have been present at all of the Community Outreach meetings for the Shorewood design planning, where the process has been transparent and inclusive."
As President pro tem of the Shoreline Historical Museum Board of Trustees, I have considerable interest in what Mr. Derringer has said. First, an April 30, 2008 letter from Superintendent Walker was indeed sent to the Museum, stating that the District leadership would recommend "that the District not enter into any agreements and/or obligations that would limit future options with respect to the Shorewood site." This does NOT say that the Museum would be kicked out of the historic Ronald Elementary School! The words "future options" were not elaborated upon. Second, several of us from the Museum attended the last Community Outreach meeting (on March 19) where four possible designs for a rebuilt Shorewood High School were made available for public comment. All the designs showed that the Ronald School would remain and there was absolutely no hint whatsoever that the the Museum would be evicted from the building. This cannot be said to be "transparent".
It is quite possible that the Museum would still be unaware of the School District's plans if I hadn't seen an announcement in Boeing Creek Park of a meeting that the Richmond Highlands Neighborhood Association was to have with Superintendent Walker on April 5, to discuss the future of Shorewood High School. Since any rebuild of the high school could impact the museum, I attended the meeting (along with ten or so other people from the neighborhood) and naturally asked about the future status of the Museum. I was stunned when Ms Walker stated that she could find a couple of other sites where it could be located in the future. That is absolutely the first time anyone connected with the Museum knew of the School District's plans. Moreover, I hadn't introduced myself at the meeting as a member of the Museum Board, simply as a retired math professor (since Ms Walker introduced herself by saying that she had started out teaching math at Shorewood).
It is very difficult for me to conclude that "the process has been transparent and inclusive"; quite the opposite.
Bob Phelps
Link to read all posts about this issue
Books, Baked Goods and Antiques: Sat, May 30th, Innis Arden Clubhouse
Thanks to Diane Hettrick for sending this info:
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Sustainable Shoreline passes resolution concerning future of old Ronald School
The future of the old Ronald School has been getting a lot of attention lately. The Shoreline Historical Museum seems to think it's going be forced out of the old Ronald School by Shoreline Schools (which owns the building), while Shoreline Schools says no decision has yet been made. Now "Sustainable Shoreline Education Association" (SSEA) is taking a public stance on the matter.
SSEA has passed a resolution concerning the future of the old Ronald School. The resolution was passed at SSEA's general membership meeting on May 22nd, 2009.
Here is the resolution in its entirety:
Whereas the old Ronald School has historic value to the community, and
Whereas the old Ronald School houses the museum, and
Whereas the Sustainable Shoreline Education Association believes that
sustainability includes understanding our history, and
Whereas an important part of good education values history, and
Whereas maintaining a museum inside the old Ronald School provides
context as an educational tool, and
Whereas the Shoreline Historical Museum inside the old Ronald School
is a vital part of our community,
Be it therefore resolved that we, the Sustainable Shoreline Education
Association urges the Shoreline School District to fulfill their prime
directive to support education by retaining the Shoreline Historical
Museum inside the old Ronald School, a historically landmarked
Bill Bear
President Sustainable Shoreline Education Association
Link to read all posts regarding this issue
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
2009 Champion Tree Contest Open to Private Properties in Shoreline
Thanks to Diane Hettrick for this information:
Shoreline's Community Wildlife Habitat Project is once again looking
for a few big trees. We want to find the champion trees in
Shoreline's neighborhoods. While last year's contest was limited to
trees within our park system, this year property owners can nominate
their own trees. The contest, which takes place within the City of
Shoreline and runs from Earth Day to Labor Day, will increase
awareness of the storm water runoff services, habitat value and beauty
mature native trees provide for our urban forest canopy.
Champions are determined by an international system of measurement
using height, circumference and crown spread for each species. If it's
the biggest tree when compared to other trees of the same species,
then it's a champion To learn. more about how a tree becomes a
champion please visit:
Funded by an Environmental Mini-Grant from the King County Natural
Resource Stewardship Network, the goal of the contest is to locate and
map the locations of our Champion Trees so everyone can appreciate
them. Shoreline's Community Wildlife Habitat Project (sponsored by
Sustainable Shoreline Education Assoc) has organized this contest to
increase awareness of and appreciation for all the benefits mature
native trees bring to us every day.
The Sustainable Shoreline Education Assoc (SSEA) website has all the
information you need to nominate a tree at
Or your can contact Barbara, 206-542-3242 or guthdall@msn.com or Boni
at birdsbeesfishtrees@gmail.com
Who should be Grand Marshall of this year's Celebrate Shoreline parade?
Celebrate Shoreline is a birthday party for the entire City of Shoreline! Join the fun at various community events August 11-16. Details are updated regularly at the City's website, so check there often for the latest information.
Parade Grand Marshal Nominations happening now!
Nominations are now being accepted for the Celebrate Shoreline Parade Grand Marshal. Completed nomination forms are due by close of business on Friday, June 5.
Please click here for the nomination form (pdf).
Link to see photos from last year's parade
Relay for Life of Shoreline/North Seattle: event on May 30-31, 2009
Join us on May 30th and 31st, 2009, at King's High School for the Shoreline Relay for Life.
Link to more information at ShorelineRelay.org
From the site:
By participating, you honor cancer survivors, pay tribute to the lives we've lost to the disease, and raise money to help fight it all right here in your community. You won't want to miss one moment of this life- and community-affirming event!
Shoreline Schools says no decision yet concerning future of Ronald School and Shoreline Historical Museum
We recently posted information from Shoreline Historical Museum that the Museum was going to be forced to move from its current location at the old Ronald School.
Among the information we got from the Museum was a copy of a letter sent to "Members, Donors and Friends." The letter was written by Robert Phelps, President of the Shoreline Historical Museum. Part of his letter reads as follows:
Two weeks ago we accidentally became aware that the Shoreline School Board is planning to move the Museum out of its present place in the 1912 Ronald Elementary School, where it has resided for 33 years. Of course, this was a great surprise to all of our Board members, who have worked toward restoration of the building, and toward fulfilling the educational mission of the Museum.
Despite the fact that the School District has 26 acres of property on which to site their new building, the superintendent said at a public meeting of the Richmond Highlands Neighborhood Association on May 5th that the Museum would not be staying in the Ronald School building. The school board has never openly asked or involved the Museum, which is a stakeholder on the property. In all the months of planning, this is the first time such a specific pronouncement has been made, and it was not made to us directly.
Up until a few days ago, no one from the school district had formally contacted the director, board members or anyone else at the Museum, except for a letter of April 30, 2008 stating that they were analyzing the rebuilding of Shorewood, but saying nothing about evicting the Museum. We invited the school board president and representatives to attend our board meeting on May 20, 2009. At that meeting, they stated that “no decision has been made” however, they did say that none of the preferred plans include keeping the Museum in the Ronald School Building. (click here to read the letter in its entirety)
There is no "eviction" or "impending closure" of the Shoreline Historical Museum. The Shoreline School Board has not made any decision about the future of Ronald School which houses the museum.
The recent letter to Mayor Ryu (read it here) provides specifics related to the Historical Museum's lease, site issues and the Shorewood High School redesign process. As explained in the letter, the District has not reached any final decisions regarding the future of the Ronald School property and building, although the size of the Shorewood site is quite restrictive when trying to create equity with the Shorecrest site, which is 12 acres larger.
Museum leadership was specifically notified of this process as far back as April 2008. Members of the Museum staff and board have been present at all of the Community Outreach meetings for the Shorewood design planning, where the process has been transparent and inclusive.
We (Shoreline Schools) invite the community to our next community outreach meeting on June 4, 7 pm at both high schools.
Link to read a letter written from School Supt. Walker to Museum director Vicki Stiles in April 2008 regarding the District beginning the Shorewood High School design process
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Shoreline Historical Museum is in trouble: being evicted by Shoreline Schools
(photo is part of a display at the Museum)
The Shoreline Historical Museum is in trouble. It looks like Shoreline Schools is evicting the Museum from the old Ronald School. Here is some information about the Museum followed by links to more information about the impending closure.
Important Dates in the history of the Shoreline Historical Museum
1976 - the Shoreline School District Board of Directors affirmed that not all learning happens in a classroom and as a bicentennial project, they and community members and leaders established the Shoreline Historical Museum.
1989 - the importance of the Museum to the community was reaffirmed by the School District Board when they deeded the building to the Shoreline Historical Museum organization for use by the community.
2000 - the Museum completes its accessibility project, installing an elevator to make sure all students and citizens can use the Museum.
2008 - After 20 years of planning and restoration work, the Museum’s Ronald School building becomes a Landmark.
Educational Activities
◊ Led by trained docents on curriculum-based tours, over 25,000 Shoreline elementary children have visited the Museum, learning valuable lessons in community responsibility and pride.
◊ The Museum has assisted teachers in providing real-life experiences that enhance and support the curriculum. With the help of Shoreline district teachers and grants, the Museum’s tours have been revamped numerous times over the years to meet teachers’ changing goals for their classes.
◊ The Museum’s Passport Program aids school children and other young visitors in exploring the exhibits, learning about community history and the historic Ronald School. Each child’s completed passport is theirs to keep.
◊ A specially devised tour program has served over 100 special education students who visit the Museum. This program also serves adults who have graduated from Shoreline Schools who participate in other community programs designed to assist them.
◊ The Museum’s education programming has served over 300 individual high school students who have availed themselves of the Museum’s Community Service/Student Museum Assistant Program. This supervised program invites Students from both Shorewood and Shorecrest high schools to earn community service credits by volunteering at the Museum.
◊ Students have contributed over 25,000 volunteer hours to the community through the Museum’s program, and at the same time have found within themselves the spirit of participation and giving back within their own community.
◊ The Museum also takes under its wing high school students who have been ordered by the court system to perform community service. We are one of the few institutions willing to give children in trouble a chance to regain their footing and their personal pride.
◊ Assistance is available for students doing social studies projects, such as History Day projects and theme papers. There’s something for every student at the Museum.
◊ Hands-on activities for young people, run by high school volunteers, teaches children about self sufficiency and community history.
◊ Three floors of exhibits focused on community history
◊ A large public research archive utilized by students and other researchers
◊ 10,000 visitors every year
◊ Over 1,000 regular members and donors
◊ Members, donors and public funds from the State of Washington and King county have helped the Museum with $1.5 million dollars worth of capital projects in the last 16 years, including an elevator that enables special education students and other disabled citizens to participate in Museum tours and educational programs.
◊ Over $2 million more dollars of community donations and grants have paid for educational programming, exhibits and operations.
◊ A contract for services from the city of Shoreline for full time Museum services.
◊ Sustained support and Special Projects from 4Culture, King County’s heritage grants arm.
◊ Adult volunteers contribute over 5,000 hours per year to Museum operations, exhibits and programs.
The Ronald School building is an integral part of the Museum organization and the Museum’s programming. With our nearly 100 year old building, we are able to demonstrate to both students and adults that history is real - not just an abstract concept. With our building, we are able to illuminate the history of a community that has a school district that has long cared about giving all of its people a sense of belonging and rootedness in the traditions of education, sharing those ideals in a very real way with everyone through its gift to the community, the Museum, which provides lifelong learning for everyone. The Shoreline Historical Museum is more than a collection of artifacts.
(The Shoreline Historical Museum Board of Trustees)
Read the Letter to Members, Donors and FriendsRead the Petition to the Shoreline School District Board of Directors
Read all posts about Shoreline Historical Museum
Link to Shoreline Historical Museum
Please post your thoughts to the "comment" section!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Star party tonight in Shoreline (May 23, 2009)
Found this information via web search:
Local Project Astro Star Party - May 23, 2009
Posted on behalf of David Dorais - Project Astro volunteer -
The Room 9 Community School is planning to hold a Star Party on May
23rd, Saturday, weather permitting, from 5pm to 11pm (roughly). We
will have two Dobs-8'',10", a C-8 and 10x50 binos. Any fellow Project
Astro'gators' and any local amateurs are invited to add their 'scopes
to the party. Especially any refractors-in honor of Galileo/400
yrs/IYA2009 will be very welcome.
The location is the north SAS monthly site at Paramount School Park in
Shoreline, WA at 155th NE and 8th NE. Map of site is available on SAS
website-- www.seattleastro.org .
If overcast or forecast is very unfriendly on Friday; we are planning
an alternate date of May 30th which coincides with the regular SAS
monthly SP event.
Parking lot is relatively small- parents and amateurs are encouraged
to carpool and park their front headlights to the west to help with
dark eye adaptation.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Safely dispose of hazardous household waste on May 29-31
As you know, not everything can be thrown away or put in your household recycling or composting bin. What to do with the more hazardous stuff hanging around the house/garage/basement? The Household Hazardous Wastemobile may be the solution. Safely and legally dispose of pesticides, batteries, antifreeze, oil, etc.
What: Hazardous Wastemobile
When: May 29-31, 10am-5pm
Where: Sears in Shoreline (map)
Link to event details at govlink.org
Link to see a full list of what to bring
Questions? Call the Household Hazards Phone Line: 206-296-4692
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Take a guided walk through Shoreline: Sat, May 23rd 2009
Go on a Volksmarch through Shoreline with the American Volkssport Association:
Enjoy the beauty of the wooded parks of the city of Shoreline, a suburb of Seattle. Walk on sidewalks, residential streets, grass and paved trails. The 10 K route also includes extensive forest trails. The 5 K route on paved surfaces is rated 1+. Both the 10 K and 5 K walks explore the campus of Fircrest School, a public residential facility for the developmentally disabled, including its gem of a handicapped-accessable garden and adjacent neighborhoods.
Saturday, May 23rg: 8:00 am-1:00 pm, finish by 4:00 pm
Link to all the details about this guided walk
Learn about the history of Shoreline: Friday, May 22, 2009 at 7pm
Sustainable Shoreline Education Association (SSEA) presents:
Vicki Stiles, Executive Director of the Shoreline Historical Museum, to present a history of the City of Shoreline.
Friday, May 22nd 2009
First Christian Reformed Church
14555 25th Ave NE
Shoreline, 98155
7 PM
Sustainable Shoreline exists to foster a healthy, vibrant, inclusive community by promoting and practicing respectful, informed and accountable decision-making through broad public participation and partnerships based on integrity and dignity.
Link to Sustainable Shoreline
Link to blog posts about Shoreline's history (learn about boats burning at Richmond Beach)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Free Chowder! Thursday night, May 21st 2009
Some info from "They Shall Walk", an organization based in Shoreline that is developing the LIFESUIT to help disabled people walk again...
Walkathon: They Shall Walk & Roll A Thon Registration Party and Kick Off, Open House and Lab Tour.
Refreshments will be served, Please RSVP monty@theyshallwalk.org
(south side basement entrance on 199th)
Park behind the PHO99 restaurant. Overflow parking at Discount Tire 19905 Aurora Ave N, Shoreline, WA
Come see how we are making history by developing the LIFESUIT so paralyzed people can walk again. This is a great event for kids of all ages.
You can also view the art that has been donated to support the mission of They Shall Walk. The art is for sale now and you can "buy it now" instead of waiting until the next auction.
Pre-Register for the Halloween Walkathon "They Shall Walk & Roll A Thon" $20 pre-registration, become a team captain and win great prizes.

1110 N 199th ST
Shoreline, WA 98133
For more information, please contact:

Link to They Shall Walk
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Local singer-songwriter showcase May 21st at Laughing Ladies Cafe
Mike Buchman sends this info about live music in Shoreline:
On the third Thursday of each month Laughing Ladies hosts the local chapter of Songsalive! in a showcase of local songwriters. Mike Buchman is playing at the May show (5/21, music starts at 7pm) along with organizer Steve Mason and a trio of talented women: Nancy K. Dillon, Eva Tree and Kristy Cameron.
There is a strong singer-songwriter community in the greater Seattle area and the Laughing Lady is an important monthly touchstone. For folks who like their music local, live and original, played on mostly acoustic instruments in an intimate setting, this is the place to be!
The Showcase is presented by the Seattle chapter of Songsalive!, an international organization that supports and nurtures songwriters from the world famous to the beginner.
According to Mike's webpage:
Mike Buchman crafts 100% hand-made songs using all natural ingredients. His tunes are gluten-free and contain no synthetic sugars, but remain sweet and chewy. Mike began his folk music career playing washtub bass and singing with the Gemini Gee Jug Band, the only all-Jewish gospel bluegrass act in Pittsburgh PA in the late 1970s. His music continues to mine the rich veins opened back then: odd perspectives and spiritual questing.
Link to Laughing Ladies
Link to Songsalive!
Link to Mike Buchman
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
"Embrace Shoreline Schools" Saturday May 16th 2009
Parents, neighbors, students, and church volunteers are joining together to help clean up the school grounds, meet neighbors and inspire students to learn!
Bring: gloves, hand tools, and a willing heart. If you don't have the back for the yard work, drop by with a treat and socialize with your neighbors.
What: Embrace Shoreline Schools
When: Saturday, May 16, 9:00am to noon
Where: Your local Shoreline school
Link to Embrace Shoreline Schools
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Swing Dance & Dinner to raise money for American Cancer Society, May 16th
Team Innermoxy and Relay for Life of Shoreline present a Swing Dance and Dinner on May 16, 2009. Swing to live music from the Jonathan Rooke Jazz Band.
$10 cover and 2 glass minimum or buy a bottle to share with friends.
What: Swing Into Summer
When: Saturday, May 16, 2009, 7pm to 11pm
Where: Laughing Ladies Cafe, 17551 15th Avenue NE
Contact kimjdahl@yahoo.com with questions or for directions.
Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature activity. Teams of people from all walks of life have fun while raising much-needed funds to fight cancer and raise awareness of cancer prevention and treatment.
Link to 2009 Shoreline Relay for Life
Monday, May 11, 2009
Cypha '09 Breakdance Battle in Shoreline on May 16th
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Arts, Crafts, Cars and Strawberries in Richmond Beach on Saturday May 9, 2009
Arts and Crafts Show
Saturday, May 9, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Richmond Beach Library, 19601 21st Avenue NW, Shoreline
Handcrafted items including jewelry, textiles, ceramics, photography and original framed and unframed art; all proceeds benefit programs at the Richmond Beach Library.
Sponsored by Friends of the Richmond Beach Library
Strawberry Festival
Saturday, May 9, Noon – 5:00 p.m.
Richmond Beach Community Park (next to the library)
Music, food, activities for kids and more! Enjoy music by local bands and food from local restaurants. Don’t miss the traditional strawberry shortcake!
Sponsored by Richmond Beach Community Association
Classic Car Show
Saturday, May 9, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Richmond Beach Rehab, 19235 15th Avenue NW
Magnificent display of cars of yesteryear. Off-site parking available at the Richmond Beach Congregational Church located at the corner of Richmond Beach Road and 15thAvenue NW. Shuttle service to Car Show and Strawberry Festival.
Sponsored by Richmond Beach Rehabilitation & Specialty Care
Saturday, May 9, 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Fire Safety Center, Richmond Beach Road and 20th Avenue NW
Puget Sound Blood Center’s bloodmobile will be taking donations as you go from event to event. It takes only a few minutes to help save lives!
Link to events in Richmond Beach
Link to more posts about Richmond Beach
Monday, May 4, 2009
Mother's Day Plant Sale May 8-10
Friday through Sunday, May 8-10
Members-only Thursday, May 7
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
20312 15th Avenue NW
Art students from Seattle Pacific University (SPU) are creating temporary art installations for the Kruckeberg Botanic Garden in Shoreline. Set to open as part of the annual Mother’s Day Plant Sale, this exhibit is a collaboration between the City of Shoreline, the SPU Art Department and the Kruckeberg Garden Foundation.
Dr. Roger Feldman, chair of the SPU Art Department, is working with his advanced sculpture students to create the works of art. After visiting the Garden, the students collaborated in teams to design art installations that reflect the landscape or uses of the site. Students will be available during the opening weekend to answer questions about their work and process.
Temporary public art projects are another means of increasing opportunities for observers and artists and the City sees this pilot project with the Kruckeberg Botanic Garden as an exciting beginning.
For more information about the Garden or sale call (206) 546-1281 or visit www.kruckeberg.org. For more information about Shoreline’s public art program, call Public Art Coordinator Ros Bird at (206) 801-2661.