Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Shoreline street sweeper!

Ever since I was a young'un I've always gotten a kick out of seeing the street sweeper go by. The way it moves so deliberately and has that giant brush spinning around captivates me. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. :)

At any rate, this morning was the very first time EVER that I've seen a street sweeper in Shoreline! Are street sweepers new in Shoreline? Or have I somehow lived in Shoreline for 9 years and simply never seen one before? (What are the chances!?)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Lake Forest Park passes resolution against proposed jail site in Shoreline

The following information is from "noshorelinejail.org"

On March 26th, the Lake Forest Park City Council unanimously passed Resolution 1142 requesting that the Aldercrest Annex site be eliminated from the list of proposed jail sites issued by the NEC and to concentrate efforts on more suitable locations closer to member cities and current jails.

Link to read the resolution in its entirety

The resolution will be sent to Mountlake Terrace and to each member of the Shoreline City Council.

Link to NoShorelineJail.org

Link to read all posts about this issue

What do you think about this issue? Whether you're for a jail in Shoreline or against it, share your thoughts with your neighbors by posting to the comments section. Let your voice be heard.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Shoreline resident dog blog

I met this nice dog and her owner one day when she was lost and wandering the streets (the dog, not the owner); her name is Zora, and as it turns out, she has her own blog about being a dog living in Shoreline. Here she is standing in front of the Grease Monkey on 175th.

Any other local dogs, cats, or even people who blog? Let us know; we love local blogs!

Link to Zora's Blog.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

NOAA Scientist speaks at Sustainable Shoreline meeting Friday March 27th

Bill Bear writes:

Sustainable Shoreline Education Association meets this Friday, March 27th, at 7:00 pm, 14555 25th Ave NE Shoreline at the First Christian Reformed Church. Parking is in the back.

Guest Speaker Dr. Alan Mearns is a Senior Staff Scientist with NOAA's National Emergency Response Division in Seattle. He will be speaking on Pollution Monitoring of Puget Sound.

On Tuesday, March 24, his team and NOAA paid tribute to the 20th Anniversary of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in Alaska. Alan has been studying the recovery of Prince William Sound since 1989.

Alan is an ecologist and fisheries biologist. Among his many activities he has been studying marine environmental quality of Puget Sound and the Pacific Coast for over 40 years.

Alan has done some extensive research on mussels & local water contamination through a program called “National Mussel Watch”

We are very fortunate to have him doing this work in our local waters. If you would like to meet him and learn about his findings, please join us.

Link to Sustainable Shoreline

Link to "Twenty Years after Valdez" (KUOW news story)

photo of Puget Sound by Erroll Ozgencil via flickr

Memorial this Sunday for dedicated library volunteer Frances Reuther

Richard Reuther sent us the following information. Frances Reuther was his mother.

Frances Reuther died February 22 at the age of 89. She was one of a group of dedicated citizens who went door-to-door in the late '50's and early '60's to collect nickels, dimes, and quarters-whatever people could give-to build the original Shoreline Library at 175th and 5th.

There will be a memorial to honor Frances and all of the other volunteers who made the library possible way back when, this Sunday, March 29th from 1-4pm in the large meeting room just to the left inside the entrance of the Shoreline Library.

Tax help at the Shoreline library

Tax time is coming! If you still haven't filed, and are feeling a little lost, you might want to take advantage of the free tax assistance at the Shoreline public library. It's available Wednesdays, through April 15th, from 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm, and Saturdays, through April 11th, from noon to 4:30 pm.

The assistance is provided by the American Association of Retired Persons, and is on a first-come, first-served basis. They ask that you bring your 2007 tax return with you, and will offer electronic filing.

The library is at 345 N.E. 175th Street; you can get more information about it on its website, here.

Photo by H. Michael Karshis under a Creative Commons attribution license.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Memories of Shoreline: Innis Arden

I copied the following text from the Innis Arden website (which indicates that they got it from the book "Shoreline Memories"). There are several more personal memories of Innis Arden on the Innis Arden website. Click the link below to read them and to see some interesting photos that show how Innis Arden area of Shoreline has changed over the years.

INNIS ARDEN (by C. A. Taylor)

Innis Arden was put on the market in October 1940. The Boeing Company bought the land from the Puget Mill Co (Pope and Talbot). The land had been logged off and was just plain stump land. Boeing cleared the land, laid out the streets and then plotted the first addition. The highest priced lots in October 1940 were $1,750.00 and some as low as $1,000, according to location. Hugh Russel was the sales agent on the ground. I asked Mr. Russel where they got the name "Innis Arden." He told me that it was named after Mrs. Boeing's girlhood home in Connecticut. The first homes built in Innis Arden were near the entrance at Innis Arden Drive and Richmond Beach Road. (click here to read more)

From Shoreline Memories by the Shoreline Historical Society, 1975

"Shoreline Memories" (vols I & II) compiles oral histories of Shoreline WA. It is available for purchase at the Shoreline Historical Museum.

Link to Innis Arden website (more history in words and photos)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Meet author Cara Black and hear live French Cabaret music. March 26th at 6:30pm

This information is from the KCLS website:

Join us for a celebration of French culture with the author of the popular Aimée Leduc mystery series set in Paris. When a Haitian woman arrives at the office of the Leduc Detective Agency and announces she is Aimee’s illegitimate sister, it leads to murky Haitian politics and murder. Set in the Latin Quarter on the Left Bank, "Murder in the Latin Quarter" is book nine in the series.
Books will be for sale and a book signing will follow.

There will also be musical entertainment by Rouge to set the stage for the "Murder in the Latin Quarter" presentation. Celebrate French Cabaret music, joie de vivre and romance with the virtuosic, passionate ensemble called Rouge.

What: Meet the author: Cara Black plus music by Rouge
When: Thursday, March 26, 6:30pm
Where: Shoreline Public Library
Cost: Free

Link to Rouge - French Music in Seattle

Link to Shoreline Library

Monday, March 23, 2009

Richmond Beach Saltwater Park dedication ceremony on March 21, 2009

After months of construction work, renovations at Richmond Beach Saltwater Park in Shoreline Washington are finally completed. The park was officially re-opened on Saturday March 21, 2009 with live music, cookies, and a ribbon-cutting dedication ceremony.

Here are a few photos and a couple of videos. Click the links below for more.

Live jazz performance by Shorewood Jazz combo 'Zoology'

Mayor Ryu and others unveiling the plaque

Immediately following the ribbon cutting. Note the giant scissors.

Shoreline resident Renee sits on the bench she sponsored
in honor of her late husband Gardner Blough.

A bunch of new informational signs are scattered throughout the park.

One of the reflectors that is part of the "Reflex Solaris" installation

Artist Tom Drugan explaining the sundial element of "Reflex Solaris"

Artist Tom Drugan talks about "Reflex Solaris"

Shoreline Mayor Cindy Ryu on the history of Saltwater Park

Link to more about Richmond Beach Saltwater Park

Shorewood Jazz Band is performing at the Paramount this Friday. Click here for more info.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Public hearing regarding development along Midvale Avenue

If you live on or near Midvale Avenue North, you might want to attend a public hearing that will be held Monday, March 23rd, in the Mt. Rainier Room of the Shoreline Conference Center.

The hearing concerns proposed changes to the City zoning regulations that control development of commercial lands along Midvale Ave., and will allow public comment on Ordinance 535, which you can read here (PDF).

To quote briefly from a letter sent by the city to residents that live within 500 feet of commercially zoned lands along Midvale Ave., "...the special regulations for the properties along Midvale would have more rigorous height, design, and process requirements."

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in attending, you can get more information about the hearing on this page at the City of Shoreline website.

Photo by Michel Filion, under a Creative Commons attribution license.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Shoredog off-leash site opening in April! Work party next weekend

Are you a dog owner in or near Shoreline? You might know that Shoreline has had two off-leash areas approved, and one of them, Shoreview, near Shoreline Community College, will be opening in April!

ShoreDog, Shoreline's off-leash area stewardship group, is having a work party to introduce and clean up the Shoreview site. They'd love to invite local dog folks to come and meet each other, and help get the site ready. It's on Saturday, March 28th from 9:30 am – 12:30 pm – rain or shine!

Directions to the site: From Aurora Ave. head West on N. 160th and continue to Greenwood Ave. N. Turn right onto Greenwood, then take an immediate left onto N.W. Innis Arden Way. Follow Innis Arden to Shoreline Community College and then turn in at the 3rd drive on the right.

Come prepared to remove invasive plants (blackberry, scotch broom, etc), participate in general clean up of the site, and most importantly to have fun. Tools will be provided by the Shoreline Parks Department, but you will need to bring your own work gloves.

Please keep in mind that four-legged kids will need to remain on-leash as fencing has not been installed completely, while two-legged kids 17 and under will need to be accompanied/supervised by an adult. (Be aware, the City of Shoreline does not recommend bringing children under the age of 14 years to City-sponsored community service volunteer events.)

If you would like to have a name tag ready for you, please email volunteer@shoredog.org, and include your first name, last name and a fun adjective you’d use to describe yourself. If you can’t respond by the 25th, though, they’d still love to see you there.

Link to ShoreDog's website

Innis Arden Rummage Sale continues on Sunday March 22nd

If you didn't make it down to the Innis Arden rummage sale on Saturday, March 21st, you can still check it out on Sunday, March 22, from 12:00-4:00pm. It's in the clubhouse. There are signs to direct you there.

Some of the treasures that might still be available:

Groovy old skool 70's style canister set with mushroom graphics.

If your name is Betty Peke, it's your lucky day!

No matter how many times I looked at this soap filled sponge,
I couldn't figure out what shape it was supposed to be.

The bottom of the soap filled sponge box imparts helpful and fun advice! :)

Finally, a gun you can drink beer out of. Yeehaw!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Review of Flying Dragon Chinese restaurant by 2Grandmas2

Here's an exerpt from a review of a new restaurant in Shoreline (Flying Dragon Chinese Cuisine), followed by a link to read the entire review at the 2Grandmas2 blog.

We have a new Chinese restaurant in the neighborhood, and the neighborhood has reacted ecstatically.

The food is excellent, there is no MSG, the couple who run it are welcoming, and if you go in and sit down, you will feel a calm settle upon you. Clearly, attention was paid to
feng shui; the effects are evident throughout. The phone number is not neglected, either. 8 is a lucky number in China: The phone number for the Flying Dragon is 206-533-8888. All numbers are eights or add up to eight. Attention was clearly paid to detail.

Link to read the entire review at 2GRANDMAS2 for more about the decor, service, prices and location.

Link Flying Dragon Chinese Cuisine

Link to more posts about restaurants in Shoreline

Flying Dragon Chinese Cuisine on Urbanspoon

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A warning about identity theft in Shoreline

A Meridian Park neighbor says she's just had an experience with identity theft and wants to let everyone in the area know what happened.

She says her February bank statement was stolen from her mailbox and sent to London, where the thief extended her credit, emptied her accounts, and tried to change the address of record -- which is when the bank finally got in touch with her. That's how she found out what was going on. She says it all happened really quickly and no other mail was missing. She reported it to the police and they (the police) say that it sounds like a very professional job.

Back in January we posted an article about people snooping around in mailboxes here in Shoreline. You can read that article here. (it includes contact information for Shoreline Police)

"No Shoreline Jail" group holding a meeting on Sunday March 22nd.

On Sunday March 22, 2009 at 2 pm, citizens of Shoreline, Lake Forest Park, and Mountlake Terrace who oppose the proposed jail site in Shoreline will meet at the Lake Forest Park Montessori School on 19th Ave. NE in Shoreline.

You are invited to attend the meeting to find out more about how this site was nominated, where the process is at and what you can do to prevent a jail from being built at the proposed location in Shoreline.

What: "No Shoreline Jail" Neighborhood Meeting
When: Sunday March 22nd, 2 pm
Where: Lake Forest Park Montessori School, 19935 19th Ave NE, Shoreline

Link to NoShorelineJail.org

Link to all posts about the proposed jail site in Shoreline

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"March for Peace" on Saturday, March 21st at 10am

In acknowledgement of the 6th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the group "Lake Forest Park For Peace" (which is comprised of activists from communities throughout King and Snohomish counties), will sponsor a March For Peace along Ballinger Way NE on Saturday March 21, 2009. The march will publicly declare the continuing need for peace activism and involvement.

The march is set to begin at 10am, starting at the Thriftway store on 15th Ave NE, and ending at the corner of Ballinger and Bothell Ways NE in Lake Forest Park (approx 2 miles).

Link to Lake Forest Park for Peace

Link to information about Shoreline Neighbors for Peace

(photo from Lake Forest Park for Peace website)

Richmond Beach Saltwater Park Improvements dedication. Saturday, March 21st at 1pm

Some info from the City of Shoreline:

After months of construction, improvements are complete and Richmond Beach Saltwater Park is open. Final touches are being made to the art features, trellis and landscaping in preparation for a dedication ceremony Saturday, March 21, at 1:00 p.m. at the newly created terrace south of the caretakers house at 2021 NW 190th Street.

The project has improved the park entrance and road, pedestrian sidewalks, stairs, trails and slope stability. The park now boasts: a new beach wash-down area, an overlook parking area across from the caretaker’s residence, a terrace activity area with parking just south of the caretaker’s residence, picnic area and gathering space, new entry, way-finding and interpretive educational signs and a public art piece.

The 1% for the Arts program is funding installation of Reflex Solaris, a public art piece by Laura Haddad and Tom Drugan. It includes an interactive concrete and steel sundial in the central activity area and five steel reflectors that will cast images of the surrounding environment. Standing on the sundial at designated spots, one can look east at the hillside to see the steel reflectors along true north, winter and summer solstice and fall and spring equinox lines.

For more information about the park and its improvements, visit the Saltwater Park Improvements project page.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Stage version of The Shoemaker and the Elves. Saturday, March 21st at 11am

The Shoreline Lake Forest Park Arts Council’s Children’s Series presents:

"The Shoemaker and the Elves" by Tears of Joy Theatre

The Shoemaker and the Elves is a folktale recounted by the Grimm brothers. Tears of Joy Theatre 's adaptation of this classic story "sparkles with wit and humor as two endearing elves come to the rescue of shoemaker, Mel Footmeyer and his wife Tootsie. Each night the elves create more shoes and soon everyone wants a pair. The play is performed with rod puppets, hand-rod puppets and shadow puppets."

What: "The Shoemaker and the Elves"
When: Saturday, Mar 21 at 11 am
Where: Shoreline Community College Campus Theater
Cost: $6.00 per person

Link to buy tickets online

Link to Tears of Joy Theatre

Link to Shoreline Community College

Monday, March 16, 2009

Help plan a new Shorecrest (or Shorewood) High School. Thursday, March 19th at 7pm

Planning is under way for a major modernization of Shorecrest High School, and the Shorecrest design team welcomes your participation in the process.
(UPDATE: There will be a similar meeting at Shorewood High School (in the library) - same night, same time.)

On Thursday, March 19th, the themes and comments collected at the first meeting (which was held on Jan. 22nd) will be summarized by the architects. They will present several development concepts based on community and design team input. Response from the March community meeting, along with further design team feedback, will be used to refine the alternatives so that a preferred approach may be presented in a third community meeting on June 4th.

What: Help plan a new Shorecrest High School

When: Thursday, March 19, 2009, 7pm - 9 pm

Where: Shorecrest High School Library, 15343 25th Ave. N.E.

Link to Shorecrest Design Team

Photo above from the Shorecrest Website

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Trees enduring the windy weather today in Shoreline

What were your experiences with the weather today?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

"All of this used to be bog" - lessons from an urban nature walk

One of the first (and most interesting) things I learned today is that a wide swath of Shoreline was once all bog. This fascinating fact was imparted by Jennifer Youngman. Jennifer is Outreach Coordinator for Homewaters Project, an organization that exists to create "an engaged and informed citizenry by connecting people to nature and each other in the context of their home communities."

A group of about 15 people braved the cold and rain to meet with Jennifer on a Saturday morning to
learn about watersheds and storm drains, beavers and peat, native plants and invasive species, while following (on foot) the main branch of Thornton Creek's North Fork from its headwaters to Twin Ponds.

Jennifer (green jacket) is showing us the path of Thornton Creek

The group met in the parking lot at Twin Ponds park. Jennifer showed us a big map of Thornton Creek and gave us a basic idea of the journey we were about to embark upon, then we were off.

The future of Cromwell Park

First stop: Cromwell Park at 180th and Meridian. Cromwell Park will be
undergoing some big changes this summer. We saw a map of the new layout and it is totally different than the current one. Among other changes, the baseball field and the playground will both be moved and there will be new paths installed throughout the park. Other improvements, including wetland restoration, will be a positive change for the watershed and the natural environment in general.

The group gathers at Ronald Bog Park

Second stop: Ronald Bog Park. Jennifer told us a little bit of the history of Ronald Bog and a bit about the nature and ecology of bogs in general. Did you know people used to pick cranberries at Ronald Bog? That was back when it was an actual bog. Alas, back in the 1950s all the peat was harvested from the bog. So now Ronald "Bog" isn't a bog at all. It's a pond.

Info sign at the arboretum at Ronald Bog Park

While at Ronald Bog Park, we checked out the new-ish Pacific Northwest Conifer Arboretum. Jennifer encouraged us to return here on our own to explore the place more fully. She also explained that not all conifers keep their needles year-round. Indeed, "conifer" simply means "cone-bearing." We saw an example of a deciduous conifer - the tamarack tree. It had dropped its needles, but was sporting many little cones.

From Ronald Bog Park we walked south down Meridian Ave., where we encountered Dick Decker working at removing invasive blackberries from the edge of the pond. He and a group of local citizens have
regular work parties to improve Ronald Bog by removing invasives and replacing them with native species.

That's Dick Decker in the orange vest

We then meandered along the south side of Ronald Bog, along some little paths I never before knew existed, through James Keough Park (aka 'Freeway Park'), and found ourselves at our next destination.

At the recycling station

Third stop: Shoreline Recycling Center. Outside of a chainlink fence on the northern side of the recycling center Jennifer talked out how the (fairly huge) building there was LEED certified, meaning that it meets certain environmentally friendly standards. We also learned how and where the creek runs through this part of Shoreline.

Next we walked around to the main entrance of the recycling center to check out the educational display they have there. It's not only informative - it's also really cool, with a multi-colored river made of recycled glass. The display reminds us that we're "
always in a watershed."

Journeying on, we walked out of the south side of the recycling center, past the 'bus barn' and headed south towards our final destination.

Walking into Twin Ponds Park

Fourth stop: Twin Ponds Park. We learned how water moves through this park and we also learned that several of the improvements to the park over the years were made by Eagle scouts, including the construction of a sturdy little bridge and the removal of a bunch of junk metal. We saw the 'trail of cedars' and Jennifer showed us a 'secret' hidden-away little arboretum at Twin Ponds. Somehow, back in the early 1990s a man named John Dixon convinced King County to let him plant a tree there. Then more trees. Over the years he kept on planting trees and cleaning the place up - removing concrete debris, etc. Now, nearly two decades later, John is still taking care of this place. It really is a hidden gem.

Jennifer answering questions in the 'secret' arboretum at Twin Ponds

We walked back to the parking lot where Jennifer gave us each some informative brochures produced by the Homewaters Project including a really nice map of the Thornton Creek watershed, some general information about Homewaters, and some info about a fundraising party Homewaters is holding on May 18th.

Although it was cold and rainy most of the time we were out, I still really enjoyed this walk and I would recommend it to anyone interested in how the natural world flows on all around us all the time. Jennifer was a great teacher and a pleasure to spend time with.

Check out the
Homewaters website. There is a lot there to explore, including a virtual tour of the Thornton Creek watershed, ideas for fun activities, volunteer opportunities, and of course, information about upcoming events.

In conclusion, allow me to remind you that "you're always in a watershed." And when you're in the Thorton Creek watershed, remember that "all of this used to be bog!" :)

Link to see more photos from today's urban nature walk through Shoreline.

Link to get a free walking map of Shoreline that you can print out.

Were you on this walk? (or a previous one?) Please add your reflections, thoughts, memories, ideas etc. to the comment section.

Kite Making for Kids at Shoreline LIbrary, Thursday March 19

Free kite making for kids. Registration information below.

This information is from the Library's website:

Just in time for Spring, join us to make a beautiful kite! Everything kids need to build, decorate and fly their own kites will be provided. A kite display and brief discussion will be included. Program is for kids 8 and older (ages 6 and 7 with adult). Attendance is limited to 30 participants. Please register.

What: Kite making

When: March 19th, 2009, 4:30pm-5:30pm

Where: Shoreline Library (Large Meeting Room)

Registration Ends: 3/19/2009 at 3:00 PM

Contact: Shoreline Information Desk 206.362.7550

Presenter: School of the Wind

Link to webpage for registration

Link to Shoreline Library: An Appreciation

Link to Shoreline Library's website

photo by Ronnie44052 via Flickr

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Othello tonight at Shorecrest Performing Arts Center

Need a last-minute evening's entertainment tonight? You can still get tickets to Othello, performed by the Seattle Shakespeare Company at the Shorecrest Performing Arts Center. Showtime is 6 pm.

To make the deal sweeter, dessert is also being offered at no cost to playgoers!

To buy tickets to see Othello tonight, click here.
For more information about the Shorecrest PTSA, who are sponsoring the show, click here.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Students to make history come alive at Shoreline Center on Friday, March 13

This information is from a Shoreline Schools news release. It was sent to us by Craig Degginger, Public Information Officer for Shoreline Public Schools

Students from 19 public and private schools in north and east King County and Bainbridge Island will present their original research on Friday, March 13, during the North Puget Sound Regional History Day contest at Shoreline Center.

The culmination of a year-long program in which students choose and research a topic, learning historical research principles and strategies, North Puget Sound Regional History Day is part of a national effort to enhance history education and prepare students to become informed and involved citizens.

At the Shoreline event, more than 400 students in grades 6-12 take part by conducting research and presenting their results in one of five categories: exhibits, papers, multimedia documentaries, original performances and websites. They work as individuals or in groups of up to five members. Students are participating from the Bainbridge Island, Bellevue, Lake Washington, Mercer Island, Northshore, Seattle and Shoreline school districts. Private schools participating include Eastside Catholic and Seattle Prep.

More than 2,000 students will take part in seven regional contests held around the state, competing in the junior (grades 6-8) or senior divisions (grades 9-12). They hope to qualify for the state competition at the Green River Community College on Saturday, April 25.

The top two finishers in each category will compete in the national contest, June 13 - 18 at the University of Maryland, College Park.

“The regional contest gives students a chance to get some good feedback on their projects,” said North Puget Sound History Day Regional Coordinator Randy Schnabel, a retired Shorewood High School history teacher. “It’s not unusual to see projects that are college-level or better. Students put their heart, soul and brain into their research, and it shows.”

This year’s contest theme is “The Individual in History: Actions and Legacies.” Students have applied the theme creatively, according to Schnabel. “History Day students have done extensive research on a wide variety of topics, and the results are impressive.”

Preliminary round judging begins at 9 a.m. on March 13, and final round judging commences at 12:30 p.m. As part of the judging, students are interviewed about their project, and must provide a complete bibliography and a paper describing their research process.

The awards ceremony is scheduled for 3 p.m. in the Shoreline Center Auditorium. The Center is located at 18560 1st Ave. N.E. in Shoreline.

Link to Shoreline Schools

Free urban nature walk in Shoreline. Saturday, March 14th 2009

Trees at Ronald Bog park

This information is from
Jennifer Youngman (Outreach Coordinator, Homewaters Project)

Learn about watersheds and storm drains, beavers and peat, native plants and invasive species, as you follow the main branch of Thornton Creek's North Fork from its headwaters to Twin Ponds during a free urban nature walk. You'll hear about upcoming plans for Cromwell Park, loop through two arboretums, and learn about the Shoreline Transfer Station's relationship with Thornton Creek. Please bring stories of your own to share! Homewaters Project is all about connecting people to nature and each other in their own home place. To that end, Homewaters Project provides field investigations within walking distance of schools, and public programs such as Thornton Creek walks. Sign up today!

What: Thornton Creek North Fork Sampler Walk
When: Saturday, March 14, 2009, 9:00-11:30 a.m.
Where: Meet at Twin Ponds - but please sign up first.
Cost: Free, but space is limited, so sign up first. Bring bus fare.
How to sign up: Call 206-526-0187 or email jyoungman@sccd.ctc.edu

Link to history of Ronald Bog

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Public art in Shoreline -Results of latest poll

We recently hosted a highly unscientific poll here where we asked "What is your favorite public art in Shoreline?" Six options were given to choose from. The graph above represents the results of that poll. There were 17 respondents. Here's the full breakdown:

Those 2 horses on 175th by I-5
8 votes (47%)

"Kiss" sculpture at Ronald Bog
3 votes (17%)

"Contemplating the Arc" at Echo Lake
3 votes (17%)

The singing tires at the recycling center
2 votes (11%)

"Stone Man Family" at Richmond Beach Library
1 vote (5%)

The painted panels at City Hall
0 votes (0%)

Thanks to all who voted!

Link to more info about public art in Shoreline

Any ideas for a future Shoreline poll? Please post to the comments section. Thanks!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

New art installation at Richmond Beach Park: Reflex Solaris

The renovations to Richmond Beach Saltwater Park are complete! There will be a dedication ceremony on Saturday, March 21st at 1pm.

There's also a new art installation in the park. Here is some information about that, from the City's website:

The 1% for the Arts program is funding installation of Reflex Solaris, a public art piece by Laura Haddad and Tom Drugan. It includes an interactive concrete and steel sundial in the central activity area and five steel reflectors that will cast images of the surrounding environment. Standing on the sundial at designated spots, one can look east at the hillside to see the steel reflectors along true north, winter and summer solstice and fall and spring equinox lines.

A few photos of Reflex Solaris:

The sundial base, seen from afar

From up close, it looks like a giant Reese's Peanut Butter Cup

On top, it shows you where to stand at various times of the year

This is one of the reflectors (still covered up) that are scattered about the park

Link to more information at the City's website

Link to more photos of Richmond Beach Saltwater Park

Link to all posts about public art in Shoreline

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Old Cascades Bingo site is for lease

Want to lease a (former) Bingo Hall in Shoreline WA? You're in luck!

I wonder what will become of that fantastic old-school neon sign? That thing must be huge - even bigger than it looks. I'll miss it. I thought it was really cool.

Did you play Bingo at Cascades? If so, where do you play now? Any particular memories of Cascades Bingo? Looking forward to reading your thoughts in the comments.

Link to see the Cascades Bingo sign lit up at night

Monday, March 2, 2009

Living Wisdom School sponsoring Children’s Art Show March 9-20

A message from Chandi Holliman, Founder of the Living Wisdom School of Shoreline:

The Living Wisdom School of Shoreline is sponsoring a Children’s Art Show for the whole family and for Elementary art school educators. This is the fifth annual show for the school. Come meet the Artists!

The Living Wisdom School introduces many forms of creativity in its program as a means of stimulating artistic expression of concepts such as energy, light, and joy to which a child naturally responds, using the tools of color, line and texture to capture the manifest world.

New displays and presentations! “A walk in the world of the Living Wisdom School” This year our Staff Artist- in- Residence, Martia Denniston, is coordinating this very special event. You won’t want to miss this delightful presentation done for the very first time. If you are unable to attend the opening show , the art will be on display from March 9th - March 20th, 2009.

What: 5th Annual Living Wisdom School Children's Art Show
When: Monday, March 9, 2009 7:00 p.m. (opening gala)
Where: East West Bookshop in Seattle
Cost: Free

Link to Living Wisdom School