A few photos from the 5th Annual Shoreline Solarfest, held in Shoreline Washington on July 19, 2008.
A display about solar energy, naturally
Cool solar contraptions for the kids to mess around with
Solar baking (it seems to take quite awhile to make cookies)
There was musical entertainment through the day
The Bag Monster is made of 400 plastic bags and represents 3 months worth of bags used by a typical family of four. Apparently the Bag Monster concept was created by the folks at ChicoBag. A ChicoBag is (according to their website) "The unforgettable, ultra-compact, reusable bag that fits in a pocket!" Learn more about ChicoBag by clicking here.
The Bag Monster's cute little bag pup
They Shall Walk is developing an intelligent robotic powered brace called the LIFESUIT to allow paraplegics and elderly to freely walk again.
Electric vehicles on display
The Pissed Off Patriot van
Yay for freedom of speech!!
WE are a shoreline family with a wonderful little girl who has PHACES. we are having a fund raiser for our daughters medical condition at Tutta Bells on stone way tomorrow July 22nd. We live in Shoreline and have been working very hard to share info about her condition. for more information please visit her blog at
her story is also at http://izzy.phacesassociation.com/
please post this and share it with others in hopes of helping more families and supporting this event