Thursday, February 28, 2008

Shoreline's best dive bar?

In response to my post earlier this week looking for Shoreline's best restaurants, an anonymous commenter said "I'm thinking it's easier to list your favorite dive. I fondly vote for the Cabin!"

As it stands, I have to vote for Darrell's Tavern - just south of Fred Meyer on Aurora - it's the only dive bar in Shoreline I'm familiar with. But the last time I was there it had a kick-ass jukebox and pinball machine. What more do you need?

Please vote for your favorite(s) in the comment section.


  1. North City Tavern is the best dive bar stiff drinks and overserved customers

  2. North City Tavern it is... aside from drinks, it has a few things the others don't- people, liveliness, and music- or something close to it.

  3. I'm really curious about Darryl's...what kind of crowd hangs out there? What's the story with all those old Lincolns?

    Does anyone think that the place replacing GT's - Jersey's, I think it says on the sign - will be any good?

  4. But wait a minute. Don't forget about the charming 'lounge' at the China Palace.

    Maybe we should form a club possee and check these places out?

    Has anybody set foot in the Echo Lake Tavern? So many dives, so little time....

  5. I've been wondering about the North City Tavern (Lounge). Mainly because I really like the shape of the building (rather swoopy) and the old-school sign they still have hanging out front. I'm gonna check that place out soon.

  6. The time I was in Darryl's it was dead. Just me and two friends. So we pretty much had the place to ourselves. But we had fun! :)

    As far as "Jersey's" is concerned, just the name itself kind of concerns me. Sounds like a corporate chain. Yikes!

  7. Oops, it's Darrell's, not Darryl's. :)

  8. I spelled it wrong too, bao. So maybe the hubby and I will head over there some time and check it out. Nice to have a beer close enough to walk home from (if we can get across 99)!

  9. It seems I'm late coming in on the conversation but I think the husband and I will check out Darrell's tonight! The kids are away at their grandparents' house!

  10. I was at Darrell's Tavern and had a blast. Nice beer sellection, great drinks, pooltable, pinball, and a super jukebox. I'll bo back again with more friends.
