Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Do you know of any Shoreline parents groups?

Got an email from Carrie, who will be moving to Shoreline soon. She's wondering if there are any local online parents groups for Shoreline parents. Although several Seattle neighborhoods have parenting groups on Yahoo Groups, there doesn't seem to be one specifically for parents in Shoreline.

Carrie writes that the Yahoo Mom's group she's been part of in her current neighborhood has been "very useful in terms of recommendations and just getting to know your neighbors." She goes on to say that she'd love to find something similar for Shoreline parents as she's not very familiar with the area (yet).

So, do any of you parents out there have any ideas? If a Shoreline parents group was started through something like Yahoo Groups, would you consider joining?

UPDATE: Carrie set up a Yahoo Group. Check it out.

Link to: Shoreline Parents Yahoo Group

Please respond in the comment section.

Thanks to Carrie for suggesting this topic - and welcome to Shoreline! :)


  1. I don't know of any, but I'll happily sign up for one.

  2. I don't know of any either, but would be interested in joining/starting one for sharing fun activities, resources, etc.

  3. For early parents PEPS is a great way to network and meet people.


    For older kids summer swim team or the community soccer programs are great ways to meet your neighbors.

  4. Shall we start one, maybe one of those Yahoo groups?

    People could e-mail me if they have suggestions or want to be on the (currently non-existent) list:
    que dot sara dot sara at gmail dot com.

  5. Did this ever get started?
    I'm a new parent in Shoreline and would also be interested.

  6. Yes! There is a Yahoo! parents group. Here's the link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shoreline_Parents/
