Friday, August 29, 2008

Flyers about "Ringling Creulty"

These photocopied flyers recently showed up in the Meridian Park neighborhood of Shoreline (perhaps other neighborhoods as well, I don't know). This photo was taken near 175th and Meridian. Someone wants you to boycott the Ringling Brothers / Barnum and Bailey Circus because, they say, the circus treats animals with cruelty (although 'cruelty' is initially misspelled "creulty" on the flyer, the word 'cruelest' is spelled correctly in the smaller text).

Click to see a bigger version


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I have to go with anonymous flyer-poster on this one. It's not hard to check this out for yourself, which I did. Just plug things like ringling animal abuse into Google and you'll find results like this horrible video of elephants getting beaten and shocked. It's not nice, and I don't think those screams of terror could be fake.

  3. I agree. The circus animals are just as depressing as those at the Zoo, but at least the Zoo animals don't get beat down all the time.
